Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Unable to remove item

utoc opened this issue ยท 1 comments



This bug I am reporting was a one-off issue and we could not duplicate it. Reporting it for ya'll to examine and close as needed.

Refined Storage 0.8.9
on Minecraft 1.10.2

The item in question was a blank soul shard from the SS-TOW mod and you just couldn't remove the item. Click it. Shift click. Stare angrily. Nothing. To resolve the issue, the disk was isolated, all other items removed and then the disk was destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. When a new soul shard was created, we were able to add/remove it from the grid without any issue.

I did take a few screenshots of the NBT data if there is any good to them as can be seen here:

Love your mod! Have a nice day.


hey, thanks for reporting but this is a duplicate

for now i recommend to export the stuck item without comparing on nbt and damage