Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Feature Request - Interface Needs a Match / Ignore Metadata Option

ozhound opened this issue ยท 3 comments


This is because all of your processors have the same name with the meta data being different. i.e If you set a printed basic processor in the export grid it treats all processors as the same. I would assume this would be common to all items sharing the same name but different metadata.


ummm, there is literally a side button in that GUI called "compare NBT" and "compare damage" (damage being metadata)


Compare NBT Doesn't work for the interface. it does work for the export buses though. I have a video of it.

Perhaps i should have listed this as a bug

EDIT: i just tested on a server and the export buses do have this issue. Match NBT doesnt work.


You don't need to match NBT, but match damage. In the video you weren't matching on damage, but on NBT in the interface. And on the exporter you were matching on damage, but not NBT (thats why it was working)