Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Add back these blocks/items/functions and fix a bug, please!

hugoalh opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Wanted add back:

  • Wrench
  • Solderer
  • Project E integration
    I don't know why remove these, those are very useful, mainly the wrench and solderer.
    First, the wrench can fix the below bug (later explain) thus the autocrafting will not crash because of a detect error.
    Second, the solderer is a greater method for autocrafting rather than using cutter, if I want to make a processor via autocraft, the system always make a new cutter and use once only, so if I want to make 128 basic processor, thus the autocrafting will make 128 cutter first, why???


  • If machine place in follow patten (e.g.):
    [Solderer] <[Crafter] <[Crafter] <[Crafter]
    the second crafter always show "Crafter" instead of "Solderer", but no any problem on the first on and the third one...

The Wrench is was never removed. There is already an issue for your bug and it will probably be fixed soon. Duplicate of #2005

When making the recipes for processors make sure recipes that use the cutting tool are set to enable oredict. When checking how many cutting tools it is going to make do it when requesting the craft. The crafting monitor before 1.6.4 also showed how many times it was gonna use the cutting tool for crafting which was not immediately obvious. If you do find multiple cutting tools in your system still it might be because you are crafting multiple processors simultaneously.

Project E Integration was removed because of a bug which caused significant server lag. The bug has since been found and it might make a comeback sometime in the future.

For the future, your request was immediately flagged as invalid because you removed the template. Also when requesting please be aware you are asking someone to spend a significant amount of their free time to read your request and implement fixes. Put an appropriate amount of effort into your post.