Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Massive search lag with external storage

iAreEddie opened this issue ยท 14 comments


Issue description:

When '@' searching for mod specific items there is immense lag, to the point of crashing, if you have an external storage system set up. I am playing on StoneBlock modpack if that is relevant info.

What happens:

The game drops from 70-100 fps to 0-1 fps (or less) and crashes 1/2 the time

What you expected to happen:

Some fps drop while crafting/in inventory is normal in Minecraft Java from what I can tell, but not this much

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Have an external storage (item specifically, fluids do not seem to create the same issue) set up to any storage system (Storage drawers, quantum storage, crate etc)
  2. Open crafting grid, wireless or not
  3. Use Refined storage search bar to @ search (JEI synchronization on/off doesn't matter)

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.6.9 (Updated after posting this thread, still having issue)

Does this issue occur on a server?

Not sure, I am playing single-player though

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

This is the last two entries before the crash; block at x=-662, y=124, z=-996 was an external storage hooked up to a quantum storage.


NVM didn't realize there was the 1.6.9 update. Issue was resolved by updating mod....


That doesn't make much sense, I didn't change anything related to that.


Someone responded to me on reddit saying that updating it would fix the problem.. I updated it and you were right, it didn't fix the issue..



Edit: I had to open to lan to enable cheats, as initially it wasn't letting me run the commands, so I wasn't sure which to run after doing that


I'm having the same issue, once I disconnect the line going to my Quantum Storage chest everything is fine.


@gantz123 This is about searching with @ (mod search). Are you talking about the same thing?


I (somehow) didn't realize I had 2 external storages connected to the same quantum storage (back and bottom,) with the same settings (priority 10 and cobblestone whitelisted,) while doing the sampler testing. Removing one helped, but the fps still drops from 70-100 to 3-5 fps.


@raoulvdberge Yes I was having the same lag issue, anytime I would @ search it would lag out until I backed out of the Refined Storage crafter. I figured out that having an exporter and an external storage hub attached to the same block was causing the issue, ie an exporter connected on top of a Quantum Storage Unit and an external storage connected to the bottom. I messed around with a couple different storage devices and the issue is repeatable with them all. But once I disconnected the exporter I wouldn't have the lag issue while @ searching in the Refined Storage.


I figured out what was causing it, for me at least. I had a exporter and a external storage hooked up to a Quantum Storage Unit, once I took the exporter off I haven't had the issue. Originally I kept the exporter on because it wouldn't put the item in thru the external storage connector but then I realized that it's set to blacklist by default.


um, connecting an exporter and remote storage to the same storage unit will create an infinite loop. The exporter will request the same item from the remote storage only to insert the item straight back in the quantum storage unit. Rinse and repeat.


Yes ok but that loop doesn't cause problems when using @


I've been able to reproduce it too and will look into this later.


This has been fixed!