Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Bulk crafting blocks lags client

newlogan opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue description:

When bulk crafting blocks from ingot/gems, the game stutters and lags. Issue appears to exist in RS but not AE2. Has remarkable resemblance to #151.

What happens:

Game excessively lags when crafting blocks of material

What you expected to happen:

No stuttering, fast item movement to inventory

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Fill storage with any number of ingots/gems, larger amounts cause greater lag (>10k)
  2. Use crafting grid to make blocks of said ingots/gems, shift clicking to receive 64 stacks of blocks

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.6.10

Does this issue occur on a server?



Had same issue @EGGS0RZIST. Restarting game fixed it.


Bulk crafting actually caused all of my items to not get shown anymore.
Had to drag them from the disks to new ones with my brothers account.
This happened in Stoneblock 1.31


This has been fixed for the next version. Thank you @Darkere


Can confirm this issue. From looking at the code, it seems like RS crafts the block/item 64 times in a while loop, instead of crafting 64 at once. I'm guessing this really slows things down here.