Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Pattern Grid

Notlucky101 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Issue description:

Empty patterns do not appear until I click on them.


Please fill out the entire template. Your description is not enough to even start to figure out what is wrong.


I will close this issue. Please open a new issue where you follow the issue template.


Reopening this as I was able to confirm the issue myself.


The same behavior can be observed with filters in a Grid.

The strange thing is that as soon as you "fix" the issue by clicking on the seemingly empty spot, it will stay fixed for a while but after a random amount of time they disappear again.


After some further testing, it looks like the issue returns as soon as the client unloads the affected grid, in other words if the client moves far enough away, the issue returns (same for changing dimensions and so on).


After some further testing, it looks like the issue returns as soon as the client unloads the affected grid, in other words if the client moves far enough away, the issue returns (same for changing dimensions and so on).

this also happends when an area is chunkloaded


after downgrading refined storage to 1.6.12 the filters reappear inplace, so basicly they are hidden and not functioning, but still there.


I get that too, using refinedstorage-1.6.14


Finally fixed! This one was difficult to find.