Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Cant see items on both a crafting grid or grid

slowbugatti opened this issue ยท 16 comments


Issue description:

i had just switched from applied energetics 2 to refined storage and i made the grid and the disk holder with the controler powered it and i put my items in and saw nothing in the grid i made a crafting grid same problem

What happens:

cant see the itmes

What you expected to happen:

to see the items

Steps to reproduce:

  1. i honestly dont know


Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge: 1.12.2-
  • Refined Storage:1.6.15

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no] nope

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


Duplicate of #2279


well yes but i have 64 k disks and its ssp


just tryed deleting my player.dat did nothing to help


still blank and empty but taking up space


Sorry I misread your second message. Check your disk drives do the disks show 0/0 or something else?


uh no so they show a 4k out of 64k on the first drive and i put that in my disk maniplulator that extsanges the items to another drive and it sent the items to that disk but nothing happned and all i have going into it constently are my roost chickens i can send a vid of my set up if needed in the world


Hmm, now you have me doubting whether all the issues of this that I remember were on servers.

Try deleting player data properly.

To delete player data in singleplayer you need to edit the level.dat with NBTExplorer and delete the player data in there and also the UUID.dat in the playerdata folder. If either is left the data will just be restored.


okay ill try that


done about to start it up again


yeah nothing deleted everything you told me to and it still shows empty in the grids but taking up space on the disks such as 64k/64k drive 1 24k/64k frive 2 0/64k drive 3 0/64 drive 4


restarted pc and minecraft nothing worked also idk how to reporduce this i can give a list of mods i use if needed


do you know like any posible mods that may be causing this because i can send you a screen shot of my mods


No. While it's possible that another mod is responsible I do not know any that would mess with that part of the mod.

Some things to try:

  • create a separate system some chunks away and check if the problem persists.
  • make a new world and check if the problem exists here
  • move the world to a server and see if it persists

okay ill load it up again and try the first 2 and then try to do #3 latter when im not tired


worked in seperate wolrd worked in same world i did one in nether and tried 1 10 chunks away didnt work then 30 and then it worked keep in mind my render distance was ay 15


oh also i went back grabed the 2 disks and put them in the nether one they worked then the 30 chunks away one that worked but when put back in the origginal didnt work till i reloged and destroyed the setup reloged then rebuilt it