Refined Storage

Refined Storage


scrolling with mouse to pick and put items

Dessp1 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Issue description:

want to pick up and restore items with mouse scroll (like regular chests)

What happens:


What you expected to happen:

want to pick up and restore items with mouse scroll (like regular chests)

Steps to reproduce:

just use scroll and nothing will happen :)))

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: dont know, playing on DDSS modpack
  • Forge: dont know, playing on DDSS modpack
  • Refined Storage: dont know, playing on DDSS modpack

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no] no

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


This is not a vanilla feature. This feature is added by mousetweaks or Inventory sorter.

The problem with adding it is that the scroll wheel is already needed to scroll inside the grid.

It might be possible to add such a feature by adding a keybind? Shift scrolling to put items into the inventory maybe.


Shift scrolling is kind of a good idea, actually.


But maybe we can remove middle click and do some kind of scrolling to select one item or multiple..


Not going to implement this as it's already possible with SHIFT + middle click.


+1 for mouse wheel / mousetweaks integration.


Was the ability to middle click to take out one item actually removed? Because that is much more convenient than holding ctrl and scrolling down by a precise angle. I have no other mods but JEI installed, and middle clicking is taking out a whole stack for me, which I don't see why would be necessary in order to have this feature.

