Refined Storage

Refined Storage


System can run off 1 RF/T

Rubijox opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Issue description: My refined storage setup can currently run off 1RF/T no matter how large it gets

Note that making it work this way displays nothing in the controller
Autocrafting also works just fine

What you expected to happen: i expect that the system only run if an adequate amount of power is supplied

Steps to reproduce:

1.Build RS system(any size will do).
2.Power the rs system with enough RF that it detects everything.
3.Cut the power
4.Supply Exactly 1RF/T to the controller
5. Profit.
6. slap the controller with power again when adding cables/interfaces/etc to make sure it detects them.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft:1.14.4
  • Forge:28.1.102
  • Refined Storage:1.7.1

Issue present client-side

Sorry i cant figure out spoilers for the screenshots