Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Rethink Exporter / Importer filtering

ray73864 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


New upgrade for the exporter / importer that gives it more slots, I have 3 exporters on 1 machine right now as I ran out of slots on the first one and then the second one, and now i'm at risk of running out of slots on the 3rd one and no more places to place exporters on the machine.

Playing Dungeons, Dragons, and Space Shuttles, MC 1.12.


I would like to suggest that a new "filter upgrade" be considered in future release. Something that can convert to a TAG based system text input. Many mods are now adopting the use of the internal tag system, and allowing much tighter item filtering. With the crafted tag upgrade in the IO Block, you could filter to something like, forge:ores, or even forge:ores/netherite_ore, and similar with wildcards. Working with other modpacks, you could also filter things like Bees, or Armor, or Flowers, Crystals, or Ingots. Large amounts of variant blocks would be much easier to manage.

There are limitless possibilities this way. As such, I would think it would need to be pretty expensive, and this would be a great use for netherite, or even the new ancient city/skulk blocks now that those are mainstream items.

On that note, what are the current thoughts on this feature? Do we need anything in particular to accomplish this?


I'm not a big fan of free form text input filtering. It doesn't feel natural to the game to me, and allows for way too many possibilities.


Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. This has been added to the RS 2 tracker and will be investigated for that version.

Closing this issue for RS 1.x on this repository.


Per issue #2335 : might also be handy to be able to import items/fluids from tags.


I'm probably gonna rethink the filter system for this where you can insert a "Filter" into an Exporter instead of declaring the 9 items. Said "Filter" will have a scrollbar.


Can we get the same thing on the external storage?


Requesting the same for external storages too. I'm trying to have all Pam's HC items stored in kitchen cabinets from Cooking for Blockheads, but there are literally over a thousand items in PHC. Even if only half of them are food, that's still over five hundred items I need to filter, and each one has a separate ID so I can't use fuzzy matching. With only nine filter slots per external storage, I'd need more than fifty external storages to filter them all.

Alternative suggestion: an upgrade that allows you to use the (existing) filter items, which can also filter by mod, as well as allowing a whole twenty seven items in each. Even without allowing that same recursive-filtering upgrade in a filter itself, that's suddenly over two hundred items that a single importer/exporter/external storage can filter.