Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Incorrect Autocrafting / Reusable Items, MC 1.15.2 / RS 1.8.3

MonsterActual opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Issue description:

Items that should be marked as reusable/not consumed by Crafting are not calculating correctlyu

What happens:

Recipe that uses Lava Buckets tries to craft / asks for the total number of buckets it would need instead of reusing buckets. (Mystical Agriculture recipe for Lava Buckets is being used in this case, 4 Fire Essence + Bucket.)

Recipe that uses Master Infusion Crystals (Mystical Agriculture 3.0.3) tries to craft / asks for 1 Infusion Crystal per craft instead of reusing the crystal.

What you expected to happen:

Recipes that use Lava Buckets would reuse buckets based on the available quantity of buckets.

Recipes that use Master Infusion Crystals would recognize the Master Infusion Crystal is reusable.\

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Instruct RS Network to craft something that uses many of the above items (more than you have stored of buckets / infusion crystals)

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.15.2
  • Forge: 31.1.63
  • Refined Storage: 1.8.3

Does this issue occur on a server?


It's on the TODO list.


+1 to this improvement.


probably known, but this is also bugged on
Refined Storage 1.9.12
Forge: 36.1.0
MC: 1.16.5