Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Stack Overflow

xannor opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Issue description:

Stack Overflow on SSP world load.

What happens:

When I attempt to load my save it will hang then crash out the client logging a stack overflow.

What you expected to happen:

No crash.

Steps to reproduce:

Not sure how to reproduce as it did not seem to crash on shutdown the last time I could run it. It looks like in the logs though some sort of loop or infinite recursion is happening. A possible culprit is that I have two storage buses on a drawer controller, one set to insert only one to extract only.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

First occurred on 1.8.3 and I waited until a new release and it still occurs.

  • Minecraft: 1.15.2
  • Forge: 31.20
  • Refined Storage: 1.8.4

Does this issue occur on a server? not tested

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:



After reading through the error log a bit more closely, I think I may know what is causing the error, but I am unsure how to solve, or verify. I see in the the logs, that it is looping on an exporter and I believe the only export I have right now is one on a mettalurgic infuser that is exporting enriched redstone. That exporter has a crafting card and an inventory limiter (i forget what the card is called.)


After a lot of mod add/remove debugging I found that this issue (although delays load) is not the cause of the crash and instead it is due to the impulse addition of Tiny Additions mid-week. There is already a bug on file with this issue so I am closing this one.


There is an actual RS issue being shown in that log. So reopening.


They were but they were not, so I didn't want to leave something open that was not the direct cause of the problem I was having. The mod Tiny Progressions was what was causing me to not be able to load my world, which was way I opened the ticket. It seems that the Stack Overflow issue, severely delays the world load, but it still loads, and seems fine afterwards.

Also, for further information, I have two exporters with crafting cards and regulators, exporting into two Mekanism Mettalugic infusers, One is a factory one is a regular, though I will be upgrading it to a factory today. I think those were the only two on my network.


@xannor can you post a screenshot of the exporter? Or describe what you have set the exporter to exactly + upgrades? Can't seem to reproduce the issue.


left factory
left exporter
right factory
right exporter

I also have a bonus snap for the issue with the exporter not showing the correct count. The first time I opened the exporter (both of them did this) it only showed just the compressed item, no count, if I closed and re-opened it, it showed the count.


Also, the SO error and loop in the log only occurs during the world loading, I dont see it during normal play, so it may be some weirdness with the exporter trying to do an insert before the mek machines can really accept.