Refined Storage

Refined Storage


CPU's not recognizing each other

keebster opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue description:

Creating CPU 5933/0 works without issue.
Creating CPU 5933/1 doesn't work
Creating CPU 5933/2 doesn't work

What happens:

Creating CPU 5933/1 It can't see the item or the pattern for CPU 5833/0 within the refinedstorage computer system.
Creating CPU 5933/2 It can't see the item or the pattern for CPU 5833/1 within the refinedstorage computer system.

What you expected to happen:

It to work.

Steps to reproduce:

1.Create a pattern for, or just use the GUI and pull the pattern into the crafting window
2.Try to make the pattern it shows items 5933/1 and 5933/2 at missing.
3.It don't work.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft:
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage:

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

I know the item is from OpenComputers and I sent them the issue also. I sent this one to you because I dont know if it's an issue with the item or the refined storages system
[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


I remember there being a case of #2064 in Open Computers too.

Try creating the pattern by hand instead of with JEI. (and turn off oredict).


Ok that worked thanks