Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Network system bug

HireSLH opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Issue description:

I can't set a Network.

What happens:

When I place the Network Card inside the Network Transmitter the Network Receiver always breaks and the Network Receiver item its on the ground and I had to place it again but then Network doesn't work.


  • Minecraft: 1.15.2
  • Forge: 31.2.0
  • Refined Storage: 1.8.4

Does this issue occur on a server?



Humm i am trying it but second receiver doesnt turn on when i place the card. I have 2 chest with importer each one, cable and the receiver.
Not sure if is necessary but is chunk loaded with the Flux Networks


The network system is for extending a single network. NOT for combining 2 networks together. A network can never have more than 1 controller.


The network system is for extending a single network. NOT for combining 2 networks together. A network can never have more than 1 controller.

So how i give energy to the Transmitter because without controller its off and doenst work even i plug directly a Flux Point (I use Flux Networks)

Edit: I didnt understand the mecanic so i put the Transmitter on my farm and the Reciver on my Storage, cause i asociate Recive and Transmitt with items not with net, my bad, damn


You power the controller on the transmitters side. The receiver will get powered when the transmitter connects to it.


Can i place more than one Network Transmitter to collect on my central storage the items from different farms?

O maybe i need to create diferent networks, export the items to the same chest and import it to the same net?


You create as many Network Transmitter, Network Receiver combinations as you want.