Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Crafting Upgrade should notify the player when there are no resources

UberAffe opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Issue description:

Crafting upgrade in an interface is not requesting crafts.

What happens:

I have items in an interface (64 steel ingots) that are set to keep stocked with a crafting upgrade installed. If I have them in my system, it properly fills the output slot and the external storage attached to the interface can read it. If I do not have the full 64 it does nothing. The crafting monitor shows no requests, and I can manually request successfully.

What you expected to happen:

When the stock is not full, it will create a crafting request.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. set up crafting for process for any item
  2. set an interface to keep a number of those items in stock
  3. install a crafting upgrade to that interface

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.15.2
  • Forge: 31.2.30
  • Refined Storage: 1.8.6 (I'll update this tomorrow when I have updated to 1.8.7)

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

no crashes
[pastebin/gist/etc link here]


Hi! Thanks for the suggestion. This has been added to the RS 2 tracker, and will be implemented for RS 2.x.

Closing this issue for RS 1.x on this repository.


and I can manually request successfully

Like @Darkere said: can you request the full amount? Not 1, but the amount that the interface scheduled. In other words: amount you want exported - amount currently exported


Make sure you are able to request the entire stack that the interface is trying to request.


Yea, I can request that amount and it will craft them. Neither processing or crafting patterns are working. I was using this in 1.8.5 as part of Valhelsia 2 modpack. When it got updated to 1.8.6 it all stopped working, and remaking it doesn't help.


1.8.6 was a minor bugfix update for constructors. Nothing changed there.

Please post pictures of your setup.

@raoulvdberge any idea how to make this more transparent. This seems to come up a lot. Best I can come up with is an info button above that shows current status.


I think I may have caused the issue myself through over testing.
It wasn't working, I did some test crafts myself for that amount, relogged because sometimes it's just a client side sync issue that isn't displaying things properly and tried again with just a quick 1 item craft. Apparently during my initial tests I used up too many of the base components and the relog probably would have fixed it had I not used up all the components.
I made more components of the recipe and it works again, sorry for the trouble.

In light of this, would it be possible for the crafting upgrade to add a red overlay over the interface export slots that it cannot request? just something to indicate that it recognizes the setup, but something is preventing it from running.


In light of this, would it be possible for the crafting upgrade to add a red overlay over the interface export slots that it cannot request? just something to indicate that it recognizes the setup, but something is preventing it from running.

Sure. updated the issue in light of this.


and I can manually request successfully

Like @Darkere said: can you request the full amount? Not 1, but the amount that the interface scheduled. In other words: amount you want exported - amount currently exported

I seem to be hitting the same issue as the OP; is there any reason why the crafting upgrade can't request as many as it can craft if the entire stack can't be crafted at once? I expected my interface to gradually fill up to the requested full stack as I get more input items, but it seems from the discussion here that it will wait until the entire stack can be crafted before doing anything.


Autocrafting is not set up to continue after not meeting the requirements. That combined with the fact that each request can be quite heavy performance wise is the reason.


Also, if your resource availability highly fluctuates, and if RS would schedule "as much as possible", you might end up with smaller crafting requests than you intended, since in most cases, crafting larger amounts at once is faster than smaller packets.