Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Two separate recipes for the same item yet only one of them is considered in auto-crafting

jmarakelian opened this issue · 10 comments


Issue description:

Have two separate recipes for the same item yet only one of them is considered in auto-crafting. Currently having the issue in 1.16.1 with Refined Storage and Mystical Agriculture, although I am assuming that this would occur in other similar situations.

Basically, if you have two different recipes for the same item, one of them will get priority over the other, even if the one that doesn't have priority has the available resources.

What happens:

I have two recipes for Quartz Enriched Iron:

  1. Eight Quartz-Enriched-Iron-Essence => 8 Quartz Enriched Iron
  2. Three Iron + One Quartz => 4 Quartz Enriched Iron

When I have enough resources for one of these recipes and not the other, if the recipe with priority is does not have enough resources for a requested craft, the second recipe will not be considered nor will a combination of the two be considered.

What you expected to happen:

What I would assume to occur is for both recipes to be checked to see if either/a combination is able to fulfill the crafting request.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Setup basic RS system in creative with creative controller, creative storage disk, disk drive, a single connected crafter (below)

  2. Put some items in the system, since I came across the issue while trying to make quartz enriched iron, using it in the example

  3. Add the two recipe patterns, in this case, I am using the two quartz enriched iron recipes when both RS and Mystical Agriculture are installed.

  4. Add the patterns to the attached crafter in the following order ...

  5. Go back to the Grid view and select on the crafting option for just one:

  6. Now, even though the system has enough resources to craft using the second recipe, it doesn't even consider it and instead just shows that you don't have enough resources to craft the items you wish to craft.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.16.1
  • Forge: forge-32.0.108
  • Refined Storage: refinedstorage-1.9.2b.jar
  • Mystical Agriculture: MysticalAgriculture-1.16.1-4.0.2.jar

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]

  • Does in single player and on a single player world open to LAN

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

  • No crash log, just what seems like a missing check or two for recipes

In the same situation myself. Don't have enough ingredients to make what I need from the two different recipes alone, but combined do I have enough. Would love to see this feature implemented.


commenting on this to hopefully see this implemented. really frustrating having to take recipes out so other ones can work.


Having the same issue here with silicon versions in a autocrafter setup furnace for recipes of refined storage items.


Just had the same issue playing atm9, its been a few years since this post an no fix yet, i have 2 recipes making redstone dust, 1. Redstone essence, 2. Raw restone to go into a crushing factory to use as infusion type on a crushing factory, im trying to autocraft storage parts and it only shows me how much raw redstone i need instead of how much redstone essence unless i take the raw redstone recipe out.


To add to this, It's really annoying when dealing with wood types.
I can have 1 oak log and 2 birch logs, but it refuses to autocraft a chest because 1 oak log makes 4 oak wood planks.
It doesn't take the birch logs into account for this, and with 6 types of logs and 2 nether logs, it's a bit silly.


Basically, the same issue, though it's 1.9.9.
Several ores make one item, can have all three set up, only used the first one, the other two are ignored even if items are in the system.


For ores you should be able to make a single recipe and make it use tags.


Добрый день. Плюсую этой теме. Игроки жалуются, что виден только один автокрафт.
Good day. Plus this topic. Players complain that only one autocraft is visible.


For ores you should be able to make a single recipe and make it use tags.

Can you clarify? Is that a 1.16 feature? I'm having the same issue in 1.12.2 - I can make 3 Refined Uranium either from 1 Cinnabar and 1 Uranium Ore or 1 Cinnabar and 1 Yellorite Ore in an Induction Smelter, or 2 from a Pulveriser > Furnace combo if I'm out of Cinnabar - but I see nowhere in either the Pattern Grid or the Crafters attached to my Induction Smelters that mentions tags or any way of prioritising recipes, and the system will only ever use one regardless of what materials it has available.

Having to swap recipes in or out depending on what base materials you have most of quickly becomes confusing (I have a chest next to my RS system full of patterns that need swapping in or out) or irritating (having the autocrafter refusing a request because it thinks it doesn't have enough of X when there's plenty of Y it can use instead, requiring a bunch of manual intervention to pre-roll some of the components)!

(As an aside, I used to be an AE guy and never even looked at RS - old habits die hard - but I am now a convert. Lots of weird quirks, but I'll take those over meteorite hunting and throwing crystals into water like a chump any day of the week!)


Yes. That is a 1.16 feature.