Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Fluid/item mixed processing patterns buggy

mijofa opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Issue description:

There's some weird issues with the processing patterns that has just one fluid on one side, and just one item on the other side.
Works fine if I have 1 fluid and 1 item on the input, with just an item an the output. But if I have just a fluid on the input, and just an item on the output, the crafting monitor reports "no machine found"

I also found if I do certain things just right it can crash the whole server and it won't start until I edit refinedstorage_networks.dat and remove all the currently active crafting tasks. That one's much less predictable, but I recommend avoiding attempting to reproduce this issue on a world you care about.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a pattern with 1 bucket of Liquid Lithium in the input, and 1 Lithium Dust in the output
    NOTE: I have tested with other combinations of liquids and items, and I get the same results
  2. Place a crafter pointing at a Mekanism Rotary Condenstrator
  3. Place pattern in crafter
  4. Request a Lithium Dust be crafted
  5. [OPTIONAL, GAME BREAKING] Use Mekanism's configurator in wrench mode to rotate the Rotary Condenstrator around

What happens:

After step 4: Crafting fails, the Rotary Condenstrator recieves no input, and the Crafting Monitor reports "No machine found"

Imediatelly upon performing step 5: Game server crashes, stack trace attached. Won't start without removing the current crafting tasks from the data files manually.
The game crash doesn't always happen, and is a bit more finicky to reproduce, I found it reproduces more reliably if I have some other, working, autocrafting tasks happening at the same time. Such as 1024 wooden planks

What you expected to happen:

Liquid Lithium be inserted into the Rotary Condenstrator.

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.16.3
  • Forge: 34.1.25
  • Refined Storage: 1.9.8
  • Mekanism: 10.0.15

Does this issue occur on a server? Yes, both multiplayer and singleplayer

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

Stack trace from crash on a singleplayer game


Ah, so it should.
Do you reckon the game crash is an unrelated issue?


Should be fixed in #2734


The crash should be a result of the mixup fixed in #2734. So related.


Alrighty then, I'll see if I can figure out a build system for this mod so I can compile and give it a test later tonight. Thanks! :)

UPDATE: Have confirmed, works now. :)
Not entirely sure the crashing is gone, because that one was a little difficult to reproduce anyway, but I wasn't able to reproduce in my 20mins of testing


Alright then. Should be fixed.