Refined Storage

Refined Storage


[1.16.5] Portable Grid cannot be open if right click on a block

ExDomino opened this issue ยท 7 comments



In order to open the Portable Grid, if I have a block in my vision, I cannot open it, it's really annoying.
I would like to ask you if there is a way to modify that behavior, inside config maybe?

For example, it is impossible to open it inside a small room.
Thank you in advance.


If you have blocks in front of another block then you can't open said block


That is not what he means.

Rightclicking on a block calls a different function compared to rightclicking while not focussing a block. The Portable grid only opens in the second case.


Yeah, it's exactly what Darkere said. Can you fix that please? Because it's really annoying. Thank you in advance.


I still don't get what you mean. What is "focussing a block"?

Rightclicking on a block calls a different function compared to rightclicking while not focussing a block


Do you mean that if you have a block in your hand, that the portable grid doesn't open?


No, if you hold the portable grid in hand and rightclick on a block in your surroundings it will not open. Even if that block has no functionality.

For example, if you've just dug yourself 1x2 hole to hide inside and blocked it off, it becomes impossible to open the Portable grid.

To open it you need to NOT highlight a block. In vanilla that means 5 Blocks of air space you can aim at.


Ah, that makes sense. I thought we were talking about the portable grid block (in world).