Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Mod Conflict with LMR (resource loader mod)

Keksuccino opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue description:

Hi! I'm currently trying to fix a conflict with Refined Storage and one of my mods in MC 1.16.5.

My mod (source code) is basically a resource loader.
It loads resources from a folder as resource pack and automatically enables it.

This works fine most of the time (tested it with a lot of mods and in mod packs), but when I try to create a new world with Refined Storage and my mod installed, it just fails when trying to create the world (I think it fails when loading the data packs).

Do you maybe have any idea why it's happening with your mod and not with others? Maybe something related to data pack loading or something?

Btw, I'm absolutely not saying that your mod is at fault, it's most probably my mod that causes this, I just absolutely don't know how to fix this. Trying it for 2 days now and wasn't able to find anything.. So I thought you maybe know why this happens, because of something your mod does in a different way than others, so I can target the problem and maybe fix it on my side.

Oh and the 1.16 build of my mod currently uses mixins for testing purposes, but it's exactly the same error when the PackFinder is added the normal way without mixins.

Thank you very much for any help and have a nice day! :)

What happens:

Error when trying to create a new world.

What you expected to happen:

World gets created without problems.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install both Load My Resources and Refined Storage
  2. Start the game
  3. Go to singleplayer screen and create a new world
  4. See error

Version (make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.16.5
  • Forge: 36.2.8
  • Refined Storage: 1.9.15

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]


If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

Log after clicking on the "Create World" button in the CreateWorldScreen:
(Contains some debug output, but it's the same error with the current public build (GitHub source))


Update: Was able to fix it! It was because Refined Storage reads the pack.mcmeta files of packs for its own sections and my pack has no pack.mcmeta, that's why it failed. Sorry for the inconvenience!