Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Use of mutation testing in refinedstorage - Help needed

belene opened this issue · 2 comments


Hello there!

My name is Ana. I noted that you use the mutation testing tool pit in the project.
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Seville (Spain), and my colleagues and I are studying how mutation testing tools are used in practice. With this aim in mind, we have analysed over 3,500 public GitHub repositories using mutation testing tools, including yours! This work has recently been published in a journal paper available at

To complete this study, we are asking for your help to understand better how mutation testing is used in practice, please! We would be extremely grateful if you could contribute to this study by answering a brief survey of 21 simple questions (no more than 6 minutes). This is the link to the questionnaire

Drop me an e-mail if you have any questions or comments ([email protected]). Thank you very much in advance!!


Hi Ana,

I think it's rather rude that you are sending mails to my personal e-mail address (that you probably extracted through git?) and also are creating issues that have nothing to do with Refined Storage on my repository.

Since this is not an issue related to RS I'm closing this.