1.19.2 - Refined Storage Not Caching Recipes Causing Mass Lag In Larger Machines (Forge Project Dev Report)
P3rf3ctXZer0 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Describe the bug
Log: https://gist.github.com/P3rf3ctXZer0/74e7cf0c51344f3f4a674512874aa139
Debug Log: https://gist.github.com/P3rf3ctXZer0/7eac7cb6259b8692b25b4a5366277c9a
Sparkc: https://spark.lucko.me/xUVP4IhgqM
Observable: https://o.tas.sh/#wmBp
How can we reproduce this bug or crash?
Yes make a machine with over 2 million items and 160 recipes
What Minecraft version is this happening on?
Minecraft 1.19.2
What Forge version is this happening on?
What Refined Storage version is this happening on?
Relevant log output
Log: https://gist.github.com/P3rf3ctXZer0/74e7cf0c51344f3f4a674512874aa139
Debug Log: https://gist.github.com/P3rf3ctXZer0/7eac7cb6259b8692b25b4a5366277c9a
Sparkc: https://spark.lucko.me/xUVP4IhgqM
Observable: https://o.tas.sh/#wmBp
RS caches the recipes so I'm not sure in which situation the cache is bypassed.
I can confirm this happens. Did not bother with running spark logs since I found the problematic interaction, and removed RS from my modpack. Had at most maybe 50k items in the network, and 30 crafting recipes, and got immediate lag spikes when viewing through a crafting terminal. The resolution I found was from switching from REI + REI Plugin compatibility to full JEI.