Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Error Loading Saved Data: refinedstorage_disk

sotobrax opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the bug

This is happening on a server running All the mods 9.

Whenever the server starts, I receive this error "[Server thread/ERROR] [minecraft/DimensionDataStorage]: Error loading
saved data: refinedstorage_disks"

I realize this error mentions the DimensionDataStorage mod and not refined storage, but it seems to me this mod is trying to access the refinedstorage_disks,dat file, but maybe it got corrupted?

When we log in no one is able to see items in their computer or add new items. When you look at the disk management the size will say "0/0" despite having multiple different storage disks inserted. This is the case for every player and every computer.

Have tried removing the refinedstorage_disks.dat file to see if it would repopulate with a new file on server startup, with no luck.
Tried adding and removing storage disks in game. As well as breaking and replacing all computer parts.

Any help fixing this would be appreciated.

How can we reproduce this bug or crash?

Not sure what the cause of this was, so I have no clue how you could recreate it.

What Minecraft version is this happening on?

Minecraft 1.20.1

What Forge version is this happening on?


What Refined Storage version is this happening on?


Relevant log output



Please provide the full logs


Please provide the full logs
