Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Storage disk not completely emptying out

phantomholo opened this issue ยท 20 comments


Issue description: when I place my 4k storage disk in the disk manipulator I cannot get it to dump everything on the disk into the system

What happens: The disk just stops at a certain point and move from the "in" slot to the "out" slot

What you expected to happen: dump everything in the disk into my system, letting me get the 4k storage part and the storage housing

Steps to reproduce:

  1. place 4k disk into disk manipulator set to insert into system in the "in" section
  2. items start clearing from disk into system
  3. at a certain point disk stops inserting items into system and doesn't want to insert items into system when I try to place it back in the "in" section

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.0.5

Does this issue occur on a server? no, I'm on singleplayer

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: no crash log


Is your system full?


Or do you have any filter set?


nope, my system has lots of space left and i removed the filters and tested it but got the same result


Could it be that you storage network is filtered and there is no "what ever" space left?


Don't think so, since I put 3 64k storage disks in my system and none of them are full yet. The 4k storage disks show 91 items in it and 147 items in it


Can you see what items are in it? Maybe it is some odd glitch somewhere else?


Nope is there a way to see what items are in the disks? Hmm it may be a bug


You make a separate network with just a terminal, controller and a disk drive. Insert just that buggy disk. And see what is in it through the terminal.


Ah its kinda getting late in my area here so I think I'll test tomorrow and let you know.


And can you see any items on the disk if you just pop in a drive (no the manipulator).


Oh I totally forgot about that let me just quickly check and get back to you


Hmm, the disks don't have any items in them when I check the grid


might be bugged disks?


Jup, I guess something went wrong somewhere. So it might not have been the disk manipulator.


So I guess I can't really do anything about those 2 disks for now?


Thanks for the help :)


Ok. Can confirm, not working on the separate network as well, it just gives me back the same disk


Ok, so I realised that a 4k storage disk inside of my system has the same problem when trying to clear it, it gets stuck at about 600+ items. When I try to place it in a separate system like how I did for the 2 bugged disks, I realise that there's actually nothing inside... just like the 2 bugged disks.


I'll move this to #440


I'm having the same problem. Items from 4K and 1K Storage disks are not moving to my 64K Disks I just made. I tried putting the problem disks into another disk drive that's connected to a different controller and crafting grid and now the items in the disks are not showing. If you need me to provide photos, server files or videos let me know.

Edit: The Disk Manipulator still shows drives inserted as well. Also the new 64K drives were made with the crafters.

Edit 2: The drives seem to be empty but are not showing capacity as 0/1000 or 0/4000. I've checked my storage system and everything seem to still be there when I take these "Ghost" drives out.