Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Making a stack issues

MrTubzy456 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Normally making a stack works perfectly except when a stack of one item is 8 instead of the normal 64. I made an item that stacks with the 8 and shift-clicked expecting just a stack like all the other times. Well it tried making 64, it didn't finish because it used all my gold.


Can you describe your issue a bit better?

So you have an itemstack with a max stacksize of 8. You press shift when crafting. What did you expect and what did you get?


I expected to get a single stack of 8. Instead I got 6 and a half stacks.

Here's one, buckets stack 16 in one stack. Put the recipe in and shift+click and instead of just a stack coming out, you get 4 stacks.