Refined Storage

Refined Storage


EU Convertion is wrong

Speiger opened this issue ยท 59 comments


As i am telling it always. EU to RF convertion is wrong... Its not 1-4. Its a higher value.

Here is a link with the values in all cases:

The important line which was defining the Original Convertion rate...
Steam Dynamo - not augmented - (Thermal Expansion) for 44000 RF (If not heated) or 48000 RF (if heated) both at 80 RF/t

Lets say 44000 RF is the base value we talk with. a basic coal generator produces 10 EU per tick. and a single piece of coal has a burntime of 1/4 of the normal burntime. Which means out of 1600 Ticks burntime we gain only 400 Ticks of burning. with the 10 EU production per tick we land at 4000 EU per piece of coal... So thats a 1 EU = 11RF... Thermal Expansion did the mathing 100% wrong... So please adjust your convertion rate...


RS uses the conversion rate that Forestry uses, and last time I checked Forestry still has 1:4.


However, I am willing to make the conversion a config option if that is wished.


@raoulvdberge yeah but even forestry is wrong... Forestry should fix it ioo


default it at least to a higher value. 1-10 is totally fine as default.


its simply rapings IC2s Balance...
the current EU 1-4 RF convertion


Last time I talked to Player, I believe he told me the conversion is 1:4.


No its wrong... I proved to you that its wrong... And player was just repeating Kinglemming... And he did the math wrong...


But... Player is the author of IC2? Doesn't he decide what the default conversion is?


No. KingLemming did decide when he made TE3 it. Based of a Single Piece of coal & the Current BC To EU convertion without validating it...


You aren't answering my question. My assumption is that since Player maintains IC2, he obviously decides what the default conversion rate is.


No he didnt... (as i told last time)


Why not? I saw your calculations, and they make sense. But, at the end of the day it's still the authors of IC2 that decide the wished conversion.


Well lazyness? I mean would you go to every mod that works with your mod and say: "these are forced things"?


What do you mean with lazyness? I don't believe in forcing people / API consumers of my mod to do things my way, but, when it is about energy conversions, I choose to respect the wishes of the original authors.


well what if the devs werent asked in the first place?


But the devs agree with the conversion someone else chose. If Player agrees with KingLemming's idea, what is the problem?


What if he said: Do what you want its your mod?


Anyway the convertion is wrong... That is all what counts... So please adjust it^^


I'd still go for his preferred conversion.


So you continue supporting raping EU balance?


Why do you think I'm raping EU balance if Player says the conversion is fine?


Is player always right?


Yes, he maintains the mod. So he decides how the conversion works, IMO.


Also look at the convertion Player did at his converter mod... Its not 1EU-4RF


I'll take a look, thanks for letting me know.


Player is a modder who overcomplex stuff a lot. He does things that are unnessery and thinks never to be wrong... See the Enet he made needs still to be finished. Aroma took the old Enet but its far from to be good. So sry if i question his competence...


You may question his competence, but he still remains the maintainer doesn't he?


Well he is the maintainer... But you see since most of the original team is left the mod starts to fall apart...


That is not relevant to this issue.


Actually it is..


"IC2 falling apart" (according to you) still doesn't justify me changing my opinion about respecting original conversions.


I understand that, but most people still play the original IC2.


Well i am classics dev so that uses the same eu with the same kind of balance. Shouldnt that call enough for that? I mean i try to rebalance what the devs of Exp did fuck up...


True because classic is not as known... But if you compare the rating of Classic to Exp then classic has a way higher rating..


Yes, Classic might have a higher rating but IC2 still has a larger playerbase.


Well good to know. Thanks... So i have to know that you are not interesting of fixing a bug that was created because nobody wanted to... Thanks anyway...


This is not a bug, this is a feature request.


It is a bug!
A bug is because its converting the energy wrong. Making wrong side extremly weak to provide energy but overpowering it when it comes to adding energy to it... So do not claim it as non bug!


It is a bug according to you. It's not a bug according to me and the IC2 maintainer.


Well since players word does not count since he has two answers to it makes your side not as strong...
Its a bug and if you want to see more proof...
Here: People agreeing with me more then you think.

Also people who downvote me. Thanks xD


So please tell me again: "Hey its not a bug when i see people say: "This is an issue""


For me personally, changing a conversion rate isn't a bug.


well we will see how long it stays not as a bug. Or how long the convertion will be possible...


Honestly... this sounds like Soni and his attempts at replacing all standards with his all over again :P


Is this where we come out of the shadows?


Pfft... He can hover over the emojis and see who used them, we never were under cover :P


true. But honestly. If you dont fix bugs as easy as those i doubt your competence as coders anyway... Luckly TileEntites are hackable today without using ASM or reflection. So dissabling your convertion is not an issue at all..


Yeah... but if you do this nobody's ever going to want to play with your mod so... good luck ยฏ_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ


xD Really you think that? Cool. Thanks xD


Actually not its not that class xD I told you its a tileEntity class


So if you dont understand as easy parts as these then good luck


If you want to change how the conversion works, why would you hook in the tile entities? All the TE's use those 2 methods.


No i dont want to change your convertion anymore.. I dissable your EU support on Classics side to 100% and you can do nothing about that.


Ah, okay. That is your call.


But I'll still add a config option, though.


So much time in arguing about a different mod.

Mekanism also uses the 1:4 EU:RF conversion.
Gendustry's Dev pointed out its pretty much universal with 'somewhat standard' values leading to 4RF:1EU.
The Power Converters mod uses 1:4, since FTB Monster
The FTB Wiki's own definitions of the different power systems:

Let's get back to making Refined Storage great again. I have faith in you and your choices raoulvdberge! I love how Refined storage has changed from .8 to 1.1.


EnetBridge uses 3:25.

@Speiger This is not your mod and you have zero say in how they do things. If you don't like it, fork it, or block it on your side, but don't spam an author who is clearly disinterested in your vision of balance.

I vote for locking this issue, and I can't believe I'm saying that.


The EU conversion is now configurable (10eb7ed), so this can be closed.