Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Autocrafting with certain processing patterns causes too many prerequisites to be made

momerathe opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Issue description:

If I have a crafting set up where one of the steps is a processing pattern that has produced more than one item, that processing pattern will be executed too many times.

What happens/Steps to reproduce:

For example, suppose I want to craft Mekanism speed upgrades; I have a crafting pattern with this recipe. Each one requires one Energized Alloy. For efficiency purposes it's best to craft Mekanism alloys in batches of 8, so I have a processing pattern that says "1 Compressed Redstone + 8 iron = 8 Energized Alloy"

Now, suppose I ask for 8 speed upgrades. The confirmation screen correctly says 8 alloys to craft. However, when executing the recipe, the Energized Alloy recipe is executed once per speed upgrade, meaning that 64 energized alloys are crafted instead of 8.

What you expected to happen:

The pattern should only be executed once, because that's enough to satisfy the prerequisites for the whole job.

The problem gets exponentially worse the more steps you have. I asked for a stack of Basic Universal Cable, and if I hadn't realised what was going on the system would have crafted 8,192 energized iron, instead of 128.

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: 1.10.2 -
  • Refined Storage: 1.1.3

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]

Have not tested, only in singleplayer.


So glad this is fixed! Literally have made the same thing and found out the same way (well actually through making steel).

I have also found the opposite problem where not enough glass was smelted for my speed upgrades.


release already!! so happy to see its fixed


We can't release yet, its not yet done.


@raoulvdberge oh, is that what indev means? in the process of fixing?


indev means it's fixed in the dev branch, but not yet released


Have you pulled down the beta or something?

The link gives me a file not found error and nothing new is showing up on the curse page since the 7th


can we just pull these fixes out for a patch release then @raoulvdberge ?


@yutang13 yeah the beta got pulled due to really bad performance. Most of it has been fixed, a new beta will be out soon.