Refined Storage

Refined Storage


External StorageBus+OsmiumOre+QuantumStorage=No Ore in System

Drahnier016 opened this issue · 1 comments


Don´t know where to go with that issue becouse there are 3 Mods Involved so i start here.

Issue description: External StorageBus attached to a Quantumstorage (Item)+to the Ref.Stor.System
Put (Mekanism) Osmium Ore Into the Quantum Storage.
Set The Filter of the Bus for Osmium Ore.
I was testing a bit and if i put the Ore into another Storage like DiamondChest, the System CAN see the Ore.

What happens: The Ref.Stor.System can´t see the Ore

What you expected to happen: the Opposit of corse ^^

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Fill QuantumStor. with some (Mekanism) OsmiumOre
  2. Atach a Ext.StorageBus to the QuantumStor.
  3. Set the Filter For OsmiumOre
  4. Take a look in the Ref.System

Version 1.1.3

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage:

Does this issue occur on a server? Yes


You should really update to a later release as 1.1.3. See CurseForge