Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Lock solderer to only hold one item of each (parallel automation)

TheVanoq opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I would love to have the option to only hold one of each item in a solder (toggleable).

The reason why I would love this feature is, I am currently automating the solderer to work in parallel. To do that, I split the items with item conduits. The problem that occurs is this:

Let's say, I want to make 10 processors and have 3 solderers in parallel. The extracting item conduit splits the items and roundrobbins them into the solderers. Now, 10/3 has a remainer of 1. This means that the items will not be split the right way in each solderer (4/3/3 of each item in each solderer), but unevenly.

The automation:
The result: (something alike, the items are split unevenly)

The ability to toggle a "single item mode" for the solderer COULD fix this issue.

Any other input/ideas are greatly appreciated!


Won't be needed if we do #704