Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Autocrafting IC2 10K Cooling Cell crash

Svenskunganka opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Issue description:

Autocrafting IC2 10K Cooling Cell results in a crash.

What happens:

Placing the crafting recipe for IC2 10K Cooling Cell in the Crafter and turning on "autocrafting" when a redstone signal is present, then continuing to provide the Crafter with a redstone signal results in a crash. Trying to load into the game again results in the same crash & error.

What you expected to happen:

The item being crafted.

Steps to reproduce:

(HermitPack latest with latest version of Refined Storage for MC 1.10.2)

  1. Place IC2 Tin Plates & IC2 Universal Fluid Cells filled with Coolant (the ones seen here) into Refined Storage.
  2. Create a crafting recipe pattern (with or without OreDict) for the IC2 10K Cooling Cell and place it in a Crafter.
  3. Turn on autocrafting with redstone signal in the Crafter (important step!)
  4. Proceed to give the Crafter a redstone signal and a crash should occur.

(Don't forget to inspect the crafting pattern and you should see that it says it requires -24 Universal Fluid Cell to craft)

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.11

Does this issue occur on a server?

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here: crash.txt


As a temporary fix, make the pattern manually by inserting the universal coolant cell with IC2 coolant in it and four tin plates(No oredict). Not sure if its JEI, IC2 or Refined Storage messing it up. Might even be a conflict between IC2 and TechReborn as there are some IC2 recipes that won't work without manual modtweaking(So far found Neutron Reflector and MFSU).

This also affects normal autocrafting but it does not crash the game if you let JEI make the recipe in a pattern->crafter, and order it manually from a grid. If you hit start it gets grayed out and just sits there with nothing happening.

Edit - This affects all liquids/containers with liquids used in crafting, if you import it from JEI.


@PWTordenskiold Good catch, that worked like a charm. Thank you!
My guess is that it's JEI that is messing it up, but it would be good to look into if there's a way to sidestep the crash on Refined Storage's side.


Seems to be some bad JEI transfer there is some safeguard in place now.