Refined Storage

Refined Storage


[1.10.2 - Minor] Performance issue caused by renderupdates from disk-drives(?)

Rudolpher opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue description:

In a larger system with lots of disks and drives, larger crafting operations cause a lot of render updates because of the lights flickering between full and near-full.
Mind you I do not know the exact impact it has on performance, I've just been taught that if csampler shows something continuously redcontinuously red it is usually bad. The operation pictured is with no machines running nearby(loaded chunk outside render distance), and quarries turned off so the system has nearly no extra I/O.

What happens:

Light show.

What you expected to happen:

Less of a light show.
Maybe a more conservative cap be set on how often it updates?

Maybe auto-defragmenting drives as well, but suspect that is more complicated than it sounds.
Is this one of the reasons AE2 decided to go the route of forcing a max amount of types per drives?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Large system with many drives and resources
  2. Order something that is 1-1 conversion
  3. Watch the light show and fancy colors with csampler

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.12

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]

As an addendum: Considering the render-updates signifies way more going on behind the scenes and that I do not know anything about it, I thought it'd be safer to report in hopes it might be a piece of the puzzle in regards to performance issues on larger crafting jobs.


Yeah, Disk Drive and Drive Manipulator can cause FPS drop since their are rendering their drive. For now, hide your drive until Raoul fine a better way to address this issue.


Those need to be TESRs, ideally.


Note this isn't limited to just disk drives if your incoming power is slightly less than what your RS system uses. My whole system is flickering.


This is no longer an issue in MC 1.12. Turn on Forge threaded chunkrendering.