Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Destructors in Claimed Chunks

Pontiac76 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Issue description:

Destructors do not destroy blocks if a chunk is claimed via FTBs claiming system. But Constructors DO place blocks

What happens:

NoOp while chunk is claimed. Blocks break when unclaimed. (Video URL provided below)

What you expected to happen:

Blocks placed in front of a destructor should be broken and pulled into system regardless of chunk ownership.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Construct minimal RS system with a small amount of storage, built entirely within a single chunk
  2. In the FTB map, claim the chunk as your own. No need to chunk load
  3. Place down any block (Cobblestone, dirt, etc)
  4. Point the destructor at the block placed
  5. Connect the destructor to the RS system
  6. Unclaim the chunk
    Block breaks almost immediately

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.12

Does this issue occur on a server? Yes

If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

No crash log.

Video of bug in action


enable fake players. you need to do so.


@Pontiac76 Yeah, I don't know the command by hard but there is a way to allow fake players (like the destructor) to place/break blocks in your claimed chunks.


I think the command is
/ftb team config ftbu.fake_players true

With the default config (disabling fake players), Constructors shouldn't be able to place blocks. Do they?


That command seems to have worked. Putting that on my wiki so I know what to do next time I rebuild of the world.

I would have figured that placing and breaking would have been an equal standing. My boys couldn't do anything in any of my chunks until I became allies with them. When I first ran into the issue with blocks not breaking, then seeing them being placed, I wasn't sure where to put the blame, be it on FTB or RS.


Thanks, but as my video shows, constructor and destructor should have been denied placing blocks. But the constructor placed without issue while the chunk was owned by me. Hence the confusion.