Refined Storage

Refined Storage


External Storage ignores access type with Storage drawers

StingrayNine opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue description: See title

What happens: The External storage cable ignores the access type allowing items to be inserted into the inventory (Drawer controller) when priority is above 0

What you expected to happen: Expected cable to only pull items from drawers, not push them back in

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Use drawer controller + drawer.
  2. Attach external storage cable to drawer controller
  3. set priority higher than 0 with extract only
  4. ?????
  5. Failure

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting): Using the latest DW20 1.10 pack


ah thanks for closing this issue without saying what version you are on first


No need for snark. Was on 1.2.8 as was the stable DW20 pack. Updated to 1.2.14 and it no longer puts ingots into the extract only drawer system.


then say something before you close, as this obviously leads to snark.


exact rs version please