Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Pattern that use ore dictionary is not function properly

nogamenofun98 opened this issue · 5 comments


When I try to craft a steel machine block from mekanism using the pattern that I created with enabled use ore dictionary, it just can't auto make the ingredient that require.

There is IC2 steel ingot (it call Refined Iron ingot but is actually Steel Ingot in the waila) and mekanism steel ingot, when the storage got mekanism ingot at least 1, system can auto make the rest of require amount with the pattern I set before, but if the system contain 0 ingot of mekanism steel ingot, it will show that system require IC2 Refined Iron ingot even though the recipe I set for Steel Machine Block is using mekanism Ingot with enabled ore dictionary.

I espect that the system will find the correspond recipe for the steel ingot (as long as the ingot is in "Steel" category of the dictionary and make the Steel machine block automatically. When system found out there is no steel ingot in the system, find a steel ingot recipe, if found the recipe is in "steel category" aka ore dictioanary, then make that as the ingredient.

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: forge-
  • Refined Storage: refinedstorage-1.2.14



This may explain why I can't create pistons now.


Should be all fixed as of 6fdff3e


I updated to refined Storage 1.2.15 but the problem still exist.

Either with Both type of Steel Ingot with or without Ore Dictionary enabled, all cannot use existing steel ingot recipe to craft the require amount of steel ingot


Seems like I missed a flag change. But previous commit should fix that. Guess we'll have to do a 1.2.16 soon™
