Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Color change for construction core

Opened this issue ยท 4 comments


This might be a bit nitpicky but the construction core has the same blue color as the advanced processor which can be confusing. Would it be possible to change it to green. That would also fit better as the opposite of the red destruction core.


Not nitpicking at all. Your request is reasonable and something I should've noticed earlier. I'll have to change the Constructor block color as well.

Perhaps I can change the processor in another way? I know @raoulvdberge likes his blues. ;)


Perhaps a greenish blue? ;-)


On second look, the core and processor color are completely different! :P You might want to double check that next time, @ash70. ๐Ÿ˜‹


I really like my blues indeed. I don't think this should be changed.