Refined Storage

Refined Storage


button to request missing items in crafting grid

tod opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Feature request description:

Whenever you want to craft a final product, you either have to make a full pattern card or go and request each component be crafted individually.

I'd like to be able to go into jei and use the + button and have ghost items (highlighted somehow) appear in the crafting grid when the actual item isn't available. I'd then also want a button that will request any of those missing items be crafted and auto populated into the grid when they're available. The Logistics Pipes request table has this feature with the ~ button. I know that table works different with the inventory and only ghost items in the grid, but I would think it would be possible to do in the RS crafting grid.


I'm kinda meh to this idea


How about a ghost item in the crafting grid that you can use to initiate auto-crafting (possibly with Shift and/or Control click)? Ideally once crafting is done, one item is moved to the grid to replace the ghost item crafting link.


I don't think this feature is worth it, sorry.