Refined Storage

Refined Storage


[1.10.2] Cyanite + Steel ingot not visible in Grid through External Storage Bus (Quantum Storage)

Protheus opened this issue ยท 2 comments


#### Issue description:
I have a quantum storage unit with 10 cyanite from Extreme Reactors. The QSU is connected with an external storage. In the crafting grid the cyanite inogts (ingotCyanite) isn't visible. Same goes for railcraft steel (ingotSteel)

When I put both ingots in a vanilla chest and connect it to a external storage they become visibile in the grid.

When you put 64 cyanite ingots in the QSU it is still not visible in the crafting grid.
When you place 65 ingots in the QSU only 1 ingot is visible, the other 64 aren't
Other ingots (iron, gold, Osmium (mekanism), Yellorite (extreme reactors) are working fine.

#### What happens:
Cyanite (Extreme Reactor, ingotCyanite) + Steel (Railcraft, ingotSteel) isn't visible in a grid, only when you have above the 64 items and then it will only count the numbers after 64. Alle below 64 will not be visible.

Sofar only Cyanite and Steel ingots have got this issue.. no other items yet but then again I have not connected them all yet.

#### What you expected to happen:
When Cyanite en Steel are placed in the QSU and connected to an external storage bus it should display the total ingots and not "forget" the first 64 ingots of Cyanite and Steel

Steps to reproduce:

  1. add 10 Cyanite ingots in a QSU
  2. connect the QSU with an external Storage bus
  3. setup your RF grid and view the amount of Cyanite ingots
  4. it will not show you any
  5. increase to 66
  6. you will see only 2 ingots in the grid and not the other 64
  7. add the ingots in a chest and it will display all into correctly

#### Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge: 2202
  • Refined Storage: refinedstorage-1.2.16

Does this issue occur on a server? [yes/no]: '
no, SSP, dont have a server

#### If a (crash)log is relevant for this issue, link it here:

  • No error in console
  • No crash occured

Some screenshots to show the issue:

The QSU with an external storage and the ingot:
2017-01-12_21 38 22

The crafting grid with no cyanite:
2017-01-12_21 38 04

The ext storage on a chest with the cyanite ingot:
2017-01-12_21 41 16

The crafting grid, it will show the 10 cyanite ingots:
2017-01-12_22 03 07

66 ingots in the QSU and the display of the crafting grid
2017-01-12_22 00 08

2017-01-12_21 59 56


Additional Info:

  • It seems that in all the QSU the first 64 items are not added to the total amount. But the External Storage knows that there it needs to add the items in the correct QSU unit.

When you have 10 ingots in a QSU, they are not visible in the grid. You add an additioanl 64 in to the grid and the items will be added to the QSU and the grid will display 10.

The External storage is added to the QSU and only priority is changed to 100, all other settings are kept default. The Ext storage knows where to put in the ingot.

A QSU with 350 yellorium
2017-01-12_22 14 18

The grid tells me it only sees: 286
2017-01-12_22 14 25

QSU with 7958 Iron
2017-01-12_22 16 04

Grid (pres shift) with a total of: 7894
2017-01-12_22 16 24

So the first 64 items are not added to the total amount displayed in the grid


Not a refined storage issue. The quantum storage unit itself only exposes stacks >64. File this bug to the Quantumstorage authors.