Refined Storage

Refined Storage


Bug with Curseforge...

Xiaminou opened this issue ยท 4 comments


This is not exactly a bug with your mod per se, but a bug with updating it through Curse's damned launcher.
Every time I update your mod with Curse Launcher it deletes itself instead of updating.
Now you might be wondering why I'm posting here and not reporting to Curse. Well I have, and as with the tons of bugs I reported to them it got ignored. I have no way of knowing if I'm the only one having this issue because their bug reporting is simply god awful. Anyway enough ranting, my point being that as a mod author they might actually listen to you.
Feel free to close this issue once you've read it.


Xiaminou please add me on Curse and we can chat about this. This issue was reported a few weeks back and was fixed.


Done, but I don't usually leave Curse open so it's gonna be hard to get in touch.


I reported this myself numerous times.


I'll close this, as this is not really an RS issue.