Refined Storage

Refined Storage


[0.7.7] Constructor tries to place items like torches on invalid surfaces

OhiraKyou opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft 1.9.4
Forge 1.9.4-
Refined Storage 0.7.7

While gathering info for #89 I tested the constructor with vines. I noticed that they appeared to be placed on the front of the constructor. However, unlike when players place vines on a constructor, when the block next to a constructor-placed vine is updated (e.g., by placing a dirt block next to it), the vine disappears. My guess is that the vine is actually being placed on the air below it, which is invalid.

So, I tested them with torches. The constructor will place them even if surrounded by air or with stairs underneath, causing them to immediately pop off as an item.


I can't do anything about this, I'm calling canPlaceBlockAt already, but that doesn't handle every case. I could add special handlers for every case, but that would make the code really ugly.