Refined Storage

Refined Storage


craft-only exporter

blackdrag opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Issue description:

autocrafting using an exporter and a crafting card with the target inventory being something monitored by refined storage will lead to an item-loop

What happens:


What you expected to happen:

no item-loop and only crafting the items

Steps to reproduce:

  1. load sf3 and get iron essence plants
  2. make an "8 essence to 1 ingot" recipe
  3. make a network monitoring a chest via external storage
  4. let an exporter with crafting card export to the chest

Version (Make sure you are on the latest version before reporting):

  • SkyFactory 3
  • Minecraft: 1.10.2
  • Forge:
  • Refined Storage: 1.2.18

Does this issue occur on a server? yes


Sorry for necro-posting, but problem described in this issue is still actual. And the actual problem is in trying to make a buffered storage. Imagine I have a single grid, where, for simplicity, I already have some sand, and I already have a auto-craft recipe for making glass. Assume also that making glass is very time-consuming, so I would like to have a buffer in this same grid with, say, 10 stacks of glass. As soon as the amount goes below this threshold, the system needs to auto-craft the missing using the recipe in this same grid. Even now this seems to still not be possible, or I'll be thankful for a solution.

What was meant by @blackdrag (If I understand correctly and it corresponds to my own problem), this problem could be solved if an exporter could export items only by crafting them. For example, I could have an exporter to any other storage (chest, for example), which would export glass but only by crafting it. I would also connect that chest as an external storage. So, assuming I want to have a full chest of glass as a buffer, this scheme will work. Instead, no matter what storage priorities are, exporter will always loop the already existing items in that chest, never reaching the needed amount.

Another possible solution, which is more general, could be ability to trigger any auto-crafting by any other logic, like redstone or whatever. For now the only possible way to trigger the crafting is by trying to export items. With such possibility we could at least have just a Detector which would trigger the "force-craft".


That's not a issue at all, this is intended behavior. Change the priority of the External Storage bus.


tried that, no luck