[BUG] skin/incarnation GUI broken
Josh65-2201 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Might make the search bar it's own GUI in the next update, thank you very much for reporting!
ooooh, thats nei. :o I didn't think that existed anymore with jei being the go-to now. since it doesn't happen to me.
well thats all sorts of overlapping and potentially the issue then... you could... use a portable storage item like a backpack or shulker box or something and bookmark the storage item into JEI with the 'A' button over the item to recall later from the left side? works on specific items too, for like, keeping items with enchants and nbt or mobs in capture balls exactly as they are etc...
Sortof, Nei kinda pushes my GUI elements to one side, but I don't know if I will fix it for 1.12 as I want to move forward to 1.14 where these guis will be different