Doctor Who - Regeneration

Doctor Who - Regeneration


error constantly coming up in console

KiwiMCGaming opened this issue · 1 comments



I constantly keep getting this error come up in console. Trying to clear all errors in my server can you please advise the fix for this so i can have it removed?

[03:54:02] [Server thread/ERROR] [Regeneration/]: Was unable to check if minecraft:overworld is using Terraforged's ChunkGenerator.
[03:54:02] [Server thread/ERROR] [Regeneration/]: Was unable to check if minecraft:the_nether is using Terraforged's ChunkGenerator.
[03:54:02] [Server thread/ERROR] [Regeneration/]: Was unable to check if minecraft:the_end is using Terraforged's ChunkGenerator.
[03:54:02] [Server thread/ERROR] [Regeneration/]: Was unable to check if tardis:moon is using Terraforged's ChunkGenerator.
[03:54:02] [Server thread/ERROR] [Regeneration/]: Was unable to check if tardis:space is using Terraforged's ChunkGenerator.
[03:54:02] [Server thread/ERROR] [Regeneration/]: Was unable to check if tardis:e8f1ec05-58b4-4840-8c91-13105feb22ac is using Terraforged's ChunkGenerator.
[03:54:02] [Server thread/ERROR] [Regeneration/]: Was unable to check if tardis:vortex is using Terraforged's ChunkGenerator.
[03:54:02] [Server thread/ERROR] [Regeneration/]: Was unable to check if mythicbotany:alfheim is using Terraforged's ChunkGenerator.
[03:54:02] [Server thread/ERROR] [Regeneration/]: Was unable to check if tardis:79c129bf-56a2-47ae-8421-bce73aeb812d is using Terraforged's ChunkGenerator.



Hello Mike, you can safely ignore these if you don’t have terraforged installed. I need to change those to debug logging so they don’t appear in console.

If you do have terraforged installed, there’s a greater problem here and I will need you to give me your Minecraft version, your list of
Mods and their versions
Ensure all your mods are up to date before doing so
