Reimagined World Menu

Reimagined World Menu


Random mods crash when this mod is present

vico93 opened this issue · 8 comments


Basically, after i've installed the 1.0.3-1.20.x version on my 1.20.1 modpack, it stopped working.

First, the crash report said it was an issue with hang glider mod (i even created a ticket on their repository thinking it was its fault), then removing its jar the crash "transfered" to puzzleslib, its dependency. Then i removed it, thinking it would finally solve any crash. But, for my surprise, now it began to accuse bedrockify as causing crashes, what i found strange since i didnt updated or change anything on that mod for a while.

So i started removing the mods i've added/updated most recently, one at the time, until i removed reimagined menus (that i had just added alongside a couple of others and updates). Booting the game without it ran fine, without errors.


How are you using Hangglider and Puzzleslib on 1.20.1? Those mods have only updated for 1.20 and won't even boot up for me on a 1.20.1 instance. In fact, over half your mods in the crash report have only updated to 1.20, and I even saw this: "borderlessmining: Borderless Mining 1.1.7+1.19.4" one which is still on 1.19.4, how on earth did your game eve boot up??????


I also used my mod with Hangglider and puzzleslib on a 1.20 instance and it worked fine, it could be a problem with your mod versions, could you tell me what mods are on your instance now, or maybe the ones you removed?


I also used my mod with Hangglider and puzzleslib on a 1.20 instance and it worked fine, it could be a problem with your mod versions, could you tell me what mods are on your instance now, or maybe the ones you removed?

I can send my profile folder if you want. Do you have discord for me to send via PM?


yeh, I do, Iamaprogramer#2734


Hey there, this is caused by your @Redirect in GameRendererMixin. Using @Redirect generally isn't such a good idea, since it will fail if another mod also redirects the same method call, as is the case here (no clue which mod though, the crash report doesn't reveal that).

@Redirect can usually be replaced with a simple @Inject combined with cancelling the callback. So all you should need to do is swap your redirector with an injection at the head of Lnet/minecraft/client/render/GameRenderer;updateWorldIcon()V that is then cancelled.

It will no longer crash, but your world icon changes probably won't work for Vico as another mod seems to handle the world icon already (as indicated by it also redirecting the updateWorldIcon call).


@Fuzss, I see, thanks for the information, I’ll try and fix that real quick


It will no longer crash, but your world icon changes probably won't work for Vico as another mod seems to handle the world icon already (as indicated by it also redirecting the updateWorldIcon call).

Yeah i currently use custom world icons for that functionality, but if reimagined menus also have this i will promptly remove that to use RM instead.


@vico93 @Fuzss, I think I fixed the crashes, let me know if you experience any more. PS (sorry it took a sec, life happened lol)