Request. Compatibility with mod "World Preview"
bons66 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
World Preview is a mod for visualizing Minecraft world seeds before they are generated.
Unfortunately this will not be possible, the tab layout of that mod won't translate well to my tab layout.
I was just to create a duplicate request for that until i found this one buried among the closed ones.
@lamaprogramer why not add a separate item on this corner of the screen?
Or as a button between the seed text field and the Generate Structures toggle:
Pingging @caeruleusDraconis to see if something would need to be done on his side to support ReimaginedMenus (maybe offer an alternate screen outside the tabbed one just for this mod)
I could easily do that, however, the problem isn't where to open the menu, it's the mod's layout. It doesn't translate well to my layout, I would have to somehow completely redesign their GUI. So unless, compatibility is added on their side, I can't really do anything with it. However, I wouldn't expect them to, the code for my mod isn't easily externally extendable. I may eventually change this if or when compatibility becomes a main focus for this project.