


Ticking Entity Crash

Entchenbrot opened this issue · 5 comments


I added RelicEx to my mods (Fabric, 1.18.2) and sometimes I get this crash:

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:

-- Head --
Thread: Server thread
at net.minecraft.class_1309.handler$hhc000$relicex_dropLoot(
at net.minecraft.class_1309.method_16077(
at net.minecraft.class_1308.method_16077(
at net.minecraft.class_1309.method_16080(
at net.minecraft.class_1309.method_6078(
at net.minecraft.class_1308.method_6078(
at net.minecraft.class_1309.method_5643(
at net.minecraft.class_1308.method_6121(
at net.minecraft.class_1366.method_6288(
at net.minecraft.class_1366.method_6268(
at net.minecraft.class_4135.method_6268(
at net.minecraft.class_1355.method_38849(
at net.minecraft.class_1308.method_6023(
at net.minecraft.class_1309.method_6007(
at net.minecraft.class_1308.method_6007(
at net.minecraft.class_1588.method_6007(
at net.minecraft.class_1560.method_6007(
at net.minecraft.class_1309.method_5773(
at net.minecraft.class_1308.method_5773(
at net.minecraft.class_3218.method_18762(
at net.minecraft.class_1937.method_18472(
at net.minecraft.class_3218.method_31420(
at net.minecraft.class_5574.method_31791(
at net.minecraft.class_3218.method_18765(

-- Entity being ticked --
Entity Type: minecraft:enderman (net.minecraft.class_1560)
Entity ID: 741
Entity Name: Enderman
Entity's Exact location: 3724.65, 88.00, 5337.69
Entity's Block location: World: (3724,88,5337), Section: (at 12,8,9 in 232,5,333; chunk contains blocks 3712,0,5328 to 3727,255,5343), Region: (7,10; contains chunks 224,320 to 255,351, blocks 3584,0,5120 to 4095,255,5631)
Entity's Momentum: -0.19, -0.08, 0.05
Entity's Passengers: []
Entity's Vehicle: null
at net.minecraft.class_1937.method_18472(
at net.minecraft.class_3218.method_31420(
at net.minecraft.class_5574.method_31791(
at net.minecraft.class_3218.method_18765(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_3813(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_3748(
at net.minecraft.class_1132.method_3748(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29741(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29739(
at java.base/

-- Affected level --
All players: 1 total; [class_3222['entchenbrot'/443, l='ServerWorld minecraft:the_end New World', x=3791.63, y=99.25, z=5335.88]]
Chunk stats: 4491
Level dimension: minecraft:the_end
Derived: true
Level spawn location: World: (-110,76,-538), Section: (at 2,12,6 in -7,4,-34; chunk contains blocks -112,0,-544 to -97,255,-529), Region: (-1,-2; contains chunks -32,-64 to -1,-33, blocks -512,0,-1024 to -1,255,-513)
Level time: 64617574 game time, 62939050 day time
Level name: New World
Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: true
Level weather: Rain time: 8275 (now: true), thunder time: 11383 (now: false)
Known server brands: fabric
Level was modded: true
Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_3813(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_3748(
at net.minecraft.class_1132.method_3748(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29741(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.method_29739(
at java.base/

Normally I can fix it with just deleting the file containing the entities for that region but maybe there is another way to fix it :/ I could imagine that the problem might be Eldritch Mobs since this mod adds changes to the loot table of some mobs but I'm not sure about it. The problem occurs every ~300-500 blocks when rendering new chunks, this would be fitting to the spawn weight of these adapted mobs from Eldritch Mobs but I really don't know

Thanks in advance!


Hi there,
Could I get the entire crash log please? Could definitely be an incompatibility with Eldritch Mobs that would then need fixing but could also be something less serious.


Yes, of course! (I uploaded it as .txt file for better overview)
I tried removing Eldritch Mobs but that didn't fix the problem (at least not for the world I'm playing in, I don't know how it would be in a new world generated without this mod)
Removing RelicEx worked, after that no new crashes happened



Ah okay,
I think this may have been an issue I've already fixed. Your issue should be fixed if you use the latest release RelicEx and its dependencies, namely:

  • Data Attributes v1.3.2
  • PlayerEx v3.4.2
  • RelicEx v3.1.6

Let me know.


Thanks for your help!
Unfortunately I can't test it since some of the mods I'm using require an older version of Fabric API than the latest RelicEx version :/ But still thank you very much


Hi there,
I've done some testing and indeed I think the latest release does not have this problem - therefore, I'll close this issue now.