


[Help] Potion Drop Chance

Ricenami opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi, love your mod,

I wanted to know how I could increase the potion drop chance? I'm aware there's a config for the potion drop chance, but it doesn't seem to increase the chances. Is there any way I could make it through a datapack that the potions are dropped from all hostile mobs? And is it possible to make it so I can choose which type of potion (small, medium, large) is dropped depending on what dimension you are in (overworld = small, nether = medium, and end = large)?




Hi there,

I wanted to know how I could increase the potion drop chance

Potion drops have an element of complexity to the configuration; to set it such that potions always drop from mobs, the following configuration must be present:

Option Value Description
mobDropBlacklist should have no entries
mobsDropLootChance 100 Guarantees that the mob will drop something
mobDropIsRelic 0 Sets the *drop weight for relics to 0
mobDropIsLesserOrbChance 0 Sets the *drop weight for lesser orbs to be 0%
mobDropIsGreaterOrbChance 0 Sets the *drop weight for greater orbs to be 0%
mobDropIsTomeChance 0 Sets the *drop weight for tomes to be 0%
mobDropIsPotionChance 100 Sets the *drop weight for potions to be 100%

*drop weight is the chance of the drop being a given item: as long as there are at least two non-zero weights, then even if one has 100% value the other may still drop. Note that it is still fine to set all these values to like 5% or something, if the weight for potions is 100% they will still drop most of the time.

Additionally, if the player (or entity) that kills the mob has a negative luck attribute value (vanilla luck), then it is impossible for an item to drop.

potions are dropped from all hostile mobs?

Potions/Items will only drop from entities that are of the Monster type i.e., only hostile mobs that inherit this class can drop potions (all vanilla hostile mobs, you can maybe check github repos for modded mobs).

is it possible to make it so I can choose which type of potion

There is no way to set which size of potion will drop.

Admittedly kind of a backwards configuration system, for now that's all there is - hope that helps.


Hi, sorry to open this thread again, but Is there a mob drop potion blacklist?


Is there a mob drop potion blacklist?

There is a mobDropBlacklist - you can supply a list of mobs and relics, tomes, potions etc. will not drop from them. There is no option to prevent only potions from dropping from certain mobs.


Thank you for the clarification, blacklisting some mobs does not prevent potions from dropping, I verified the mob id as well.