Reliquary Reincarnations

Reliquary Reincarnations


[Request] Restrict transmutation of glacial staff, and replace like with like.

Psithief opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The glaical staff destroys blocks that return a material of Water, without actually being water, and only places water back in place.

These may be solid tile entity blocks that use the water material to hydrate farmland as if there was a water source block there. For example, a Growth Crystal Tier 2 from Tiny Progressions. Please prevent the glacial staff from transmuting any solid blocks, and any tile entities.

Also, there are variants of water blocks, such as quicksand, or spring water that are effectively water, but with an additional effect.

Here is a screenshot, before and after, for a grid of 47 different fluids:

It seems almost every mod's liquids start with a base of water or lava, which the glacial staff won't replace.


If forge pulls this, it will probably help.
