Reliquary Reincarnations

Reliquary Reincarnations


Invite you and your Minecraft Modification to introduce to the player/audience in Taiwan.

blacklunaer opened this issue · 3 comments


Hello! We are the Cite Media Holding Group. a publisher in Taiwan. For now we’re devoted to Minecraft promotion, Our company is expected to publish a book entitled <The 100 Most Favorite Minecraft Modification for Game Talents> (tentative title) in December. And we will invite well-known Minecraft Game Talents in Taiwan to carefully select the 100 most recommended Minecraft Modification in the world and introduce them to readers with words and pictures. We think that the Modification of Minecraft you created is quite rich in content and suitable for being selected in the 100 recommended lists. To publish this book, we need to obtain your consent to capture the pictures of your game (less than 10, hereinafter referred to as the authorization target) so that vast readers of Minecraft can understand your work through the introduction of this book. Neither party has to pay the fee for this authorization, but in order to protect the rights and interests of both parties, this email will be used as the basis for authorization that you agree to authorize our company to use the authorization target free of charge in <The 100 Most Favorite Minecraft Modification for Game Talents> (tentative name) by means of, but not limited to, reproducing, distributing and public transferring. If you agree to the authorization, please reply to this email directly and fill in the following information (the following information is only for future reference of the authorizers and sending books, which will not be used for other purposes) to just inform us that you "agree to authorize the pictures free of charge". If you would like to provide your address, we would be very happy to present you a book in return after it is published.

Cite Media Holding Group
Vice General Manager
Daniel Wang

Add:10F, No.141, Sec 2, Misheng E. Rd., Thongshan Distric, Taipei City 10483, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
[email protected]

TEL:(02)2500-7600 ext.2670 MOB:0916-252-365


hi. I'm not authorized on behalf of anyone on this repository, but I was wondering, due to the suspicious nature of this (asking anyone for personal information for any reason is inherently suspicious, thanks in part to the widespread abuse of email and phone numbers for spam), where I can find more information out about your book? I tried searching the title after seeing this issue, but could only find an identical issue on Forestry.
please don't misunderstand; I'm simply a random passerby trying to protect the interests of a mod I like. If this offer is legitimate, I'm sure P3pp3rF1y would be happy to oblige :-)


closing this, the site seems to be legit, but sending any kind of authorization or additional info to gmail just isn't going to fly for me because I can't even figure out if you are related to that site in any way.