Reliquary Reincarnations

Reliquary Reincarnations


[1.14.4] Rending gale (at least) "capability"/"charge" loss when changing dimensions

noobanidus opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I noticed after using a Waystone from the Waystones mod that, while I got the initial flight out of my Rending Gale (and it showed 232 as the charge), it suddenly stopped and displayed 0 as the charge.

I know this is incorrect as it happened previously when I was demonstrating it to someone, and I thought that I'd just used it up, and had only an hour ago recharged it fully with feathers.

In the intervening time I had used a Waystone to get to the End, and then the server had restarted. Logging back in showed full charge on the Rending Gale, but when I used it to fly up in the end, it suddenly showed no charge.

I know that there are issues with items losing capabilities and information when changing dimensions, and I'm wondering if this is perhaps related.


EDIT: In addition, this did not happen when I returned from the end.

EDIT 2: Nor when I returned to the end via another Waystone.

I'm now wondering if it's specifically related to the server restart. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to replicate it now.


if the server restart didn't save the capability data properly that would be related, but it should be happening during regular world save. I will keep this open for a bit if you happen to replicate the issue.


Thanks! I'll try to get back to you with more information. The only reason I filed the issue in the first place is that it happened twice in a row within a short period of time, but I don't think I have enough information at this point.


This does seem to be happening inconsistently on server restart. I have the correct display of the number of feathers locally, but once I attempt flight it immediately resets to zero. I don't seem to be able to replicate it with regularity though, nor rule out cross-mod interaciton.


closing this, I am no longer supporting 1.14 version and in addition to no additional leads I am not hearing about this issue from anyone else.