- 4
Pedestal not picking up liquids
#128 opened by Waisse - 4
Crash on death
#125 opened by LlubNek - 3
[1.9.4] crash after crafting and holding a salmandar eye
#126 opened by kamyflouge - 2
Sojourner Staff tooltip NPEs when torches get depleted
#130 opened by P3pp3rF1y - 3
Rending Gale Bug
#131 opened by Traverse-Joe - 8
Shears of winter can not be put in ender io farming station
#132 opened by Peach774 - 6
Unknown crash possibly invtweaks
#134 opened by APolarBaer - 6
Crashed when filling Ender Staff - 1.10.2
#129 opened by Peach774 - 1
Ticking player exception
#135 opened by P3pp3rF1y - 5
Rending Gale Crash
#137 opened by Crazy-KSK - 2
Pedestal and Mending Sword
#142 opened by Nammor - 8
Crash on start up game
#144 opened by Ryius - 3
Reliquary causes NPE in Thaumic Tinkerer?
#145 opened by iExalt - 3
[] Game crashed while using the destruction catalyst (NullPointerException)
#146 opened by Lothrazar - 1
Reliquary/IT crash
#148 opened by the-creamster - 7
[] Rending Gale crashes
#151 opened by Discomanco - 2
[Bug] JEI description not valid
#152 opened by drakray - 3
Crash before main menu loads
#154 opened by hexicles - 0
CTD Pedestal & Pressurized fluid conduits
#156 opened by MysticAura - 3
1.10.2 Crash on world load
#153 opened by MysticAura - 1
Alkahestry Tome Config
#157 opened by tikisri - 1
Tome of alkahest IC2 problem
#160 opened by Peca21 - 3
Crash on minecraft start - why?? :(
#161 opened by lordshade88 - 1
Feature Request: Token/Item that gives a regeneration buff (when placed in a pedestal)
#162 opened by mahldcat - 4
Suggestion: Adding a Cure zombie villager bullet
#159 opened by Kaisoul - 4
[Feature request] Disable showing Alkahestry Tome recipes in JEI if it's disabled
#165 opened by rigerc - 4
[] Crash with latest TiC version
#163 opened by SPMoo66 - 2
Witch Hats still dropping
#167 opened by MrAmericanMike - 1
[Typo] Tome of Alkahestry
#166 opened by drakray - 3
Baubles API appears to be an outdated version
#168 opened by MercuriusXeno - 3
Unable to retrieve item from pedestal when something is equipped in offhand
#169 opened by bafomdad - 3
Tome of Alkahestry not working on server
#172 opened by MrNinja93 - 4
Charms losing enchants when placed in charm belt
#173 opened by braingkk - 1
- 14
Tool Tip on Void Tear
#178 opened by Watchful1 - 12
Tome of Alkahestry not duplicating items
#179 opened by WesCook - 3
Please check for xpjuice in Init instead of postInit
#180 opened by mezz - 3
[1.7.10] Crash on joining Server.
#175 opened by MaxineBean - 7
tome of alkahestry dupes
#176 opened by clienthax - 3
BetterAgriculture mobs not affected by Reliquary
#181 opened by Discomanco - 5
Tome of Alkahest does not lose durability in HermitPack v1.2.1
#184 opened by fmease - 7
[1.10.2-] java.lang.ClassCastException: xreliquary.items.ItemVoidTear$VoidTearListener cannot be cast to net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP
#186 opened by RealGrep - 4
Tome of Alkahestry Bug
#187 opened by Hudster2001 - 2
Coin of fortune in Baubles slot
#188 opened by StaticPH - 2
[Suggestion] Coin of Fortune & Solegnolia (Botania)
#189 opened by Discomanco - 1
Tome of Alkahestry null input recipes
#190 opened by Kachajal - 1
1.10.2 - Ender Staff Tooltip Incorrect when out of players' hand (Dedicated Server, Multiplayer)
#193 opened by SephirothWS - 0
Crash with pedestal, TiCon sword and levelling mod
#194 opened by P3pp3rF1y - 0
Mob charm needs a JEI description
#195 opened by P3pp3rF1y - 2
[1.11]Rending Gale bug
#196 opened by Myknakryu