Reliquary Reincarnations

Reliquary Reincarnations


[Feature request] Disable showing Alkahestry Tome recipes in JEI if it's disabled

rigerc opened this issue ยท 4 comments


It's pretty confusing for new players to see the recipes without seeing the tome in JEI, maybe the tome's JEI integration could be a conditional feature?

Keep up the great work :)


This is actually the case when tome is disabled using reliquary's config. I don't believe I have a way of telling that something else (some other mod) has disabled my item after I have enabled it.
So modpacks where this is an issue should use the config option to disable it.

Let me know if this is not the case and the config option doesn't work in your case.


Yeah, config option doesn't seem to work for me. I'm using this:

    # List of items and blocks that are supposed to be disabled. By default this is empty, but you can use the names of the blocks and items (e.g. "fertile_lilypad", "wraith_node", "glacial_staff") in this list and mod will not register those. It will also not register any recipes that include whatever is disabled. [default: ]
    S:disabled_items_blocks <

It did work at some point.


it should be (no parentheses or commas)
S:disabled_items_blocks <


Ah, that explains it! Thanks. I was going off the example, so maybe it's a bit confusing :)